Working for a corporate while starting your own business – does it work?

Beratung, Information Qualifizierung, Weiterbildung Erfahrungsaustausch, Networking Unternehmergeist-Projekt Berufsorientierung Social Entrepreneurship

Besonders interessant für:

  • Ikonigrafische Darstellung eines Doktoranden-Huts

    Studierende, Alumni

  • Ikonigrafische Darstellung eines Laptops und einer Lupe


  • Ikonografische Darstellung von drei weiblichen Personen


  • Ikonigrafische Darstellung eines Mikroskops



This one idea has been in your head for quite some time. And again and again you ask yourself: "Should I really quit overnight and just take the risk? Does my idea make any sense at all and can I earn money with it?"

Or: "I want to be independent. But how does that work?"

Do any of these thoughts seem familiar to you? In our lecture followed by a Q&A we will talk about:

- The way from idea to founding a company
- How to start a business besides your job or studies
- The qualities of an entrepreneur

Meet local entrepreneurs and startups who have dared to take the step and how they mastered it. We look forward to seeing you!

Open doors from 6:30 pm
Start at 7 pm

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Herr Constantin Schmutzler

Wegbeschreibung / Anmerkungen

Ring at "Treibende Kraft"; first floor

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